Taran Bains

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TIL there’s a useful github repo for bulletproof react!

It gives you a bunch of useufl tips and explanantions on how to make your react code bulletproof.

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Check out this dope tool for understanding the React internals! So dope!

Not gonna lie, I’ll probably never need to reach for this tool 😂, but I heard about it while watching a video on Youtube and thought it was cool. react-reverse-portal allows you to render a react node and then take it out of the dom entirely and return it later, without having to unmount the component. It’s pretty neat!

Check it out

While working through my webpack config at work, I noticed the usage of @loadable/component. It’s similar to React.Lazy but solves the issue of SSR (which is a requirement for my work’s platform).

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I haven’t used this yet and today I didn’t have much going on as I had to work on some stuff around the house (renovations and all) but there’s a project that tries to make it a little bit more ergonomic to work with tailwind and React 😊.

Turns out (at least at the time of writing this TIL), that react doesn’t include the code property on their Synthetic Events.

So turns out there’s a handy screen that react-testing-library exports. Don’t always have to use the container!

So I’ve seen this pattern around but didn’t know it had a name! If you’ve ever used Context in React, you’re aware of there being a Provider and a Consumer and those two are namespaced to a specific Context. Keep in mind, this is assuming you’re using React < 16.8.0.

I’m still trying to figure out when this should be used.

const SomeContext = React.createContext()

const SomeContextProvider = ({children}) => {
  const [yolo, setYolo] = React.useState(false)

  // highlight-next-line
  return <SomeContext.Provider>{children}</SomeContext.Provider>

const SomeContextConsumer = ({children}) => {
  return (
    // highlight-next-line
      {context => {
        if (context === undefined)
          throw new Error('Must be used within a SomeContextProvider')

        return children(context)

99% of the time you want to be using useEffect but there are some rare use cases for useLayoutEffect and I incidentally ran into one today at work 😂.

  • useLayoutEffect if you need to mutate the DOM and/or perform some measurements
  • useEffect if you don’t interact with the DOM at all.

While making my way through a new React course, I learned that React elements have a $$typeof property to help mitigate issues with XSS attacks.

In essence, the $$typeof prevents anyone from trying to get React to create invalid elements via JSON. Even if a user passed in some JSON that mimicked what a React Node looks like, the value of $$typeof is a Symbol and this cannot be mocked by JSON!

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This technically isn’t something that I learned “today” but it is something that I wanted to make note of! If you’re ever working on a project and need to support internationalization, your library of choice— assuming you’re writing in React— should be react-i18next!

Why? My coworker Vincent wrote up a great ADR (Architectural Decision Record) and evaluated the library and some of the benefits it totes is…

  1. It has a hooks implementation so there’s no change needed to be made to the render portion (the view) of your React components.
  2. It generates translation files in a directory that can be easily handed off to a translator to populate
  3. There’s enterprise options available if ye need em!

The title sums it up but to learn more about it, visit this link

A neat little concept that I learned about (just briefly) today is this idea of inversion of control. Essentially, assuming that we’re talking about React/Vue components, instead of having a mega component that accepts several different props to handle various things like position, aligment, etc, it sometimes make more sense to have a component that inverts control to the caller.

This means that we can extract out our business logic to a base component and then have specialized components that utilize the inversion of control to create a huge combination of different specializations/configurations. For exampe, we could have a Base Accordion that implements some core business logic and the rendering/extending can be left to a specialized implementation like Left aligned accordion or All can open acccordion.

The benefits of this pattern are the following:

  1. We no longer have to ship unncessary code to users — people only get the code that’s relevant to their use case
  2. Our bundle sizes will drop considerabley because of number 1
  3. We don’t fall victim to the “it’s only one more if statement” trap… if someone wants to extend our base component we expose the API’S they need to easily do this.

Thanks to Kent for the blog post!

A headless UI component is a component that offers up maximum flexibility by providing no interface itself! This sounds like a radical idea but for library authors, it’s a great pattern to provide their users with all that sweet sweet functionality that they’re craving without any of the bloat/stylystic decisions that come with interface decisions.

This pattern works great when the logic of a component is complex and can be decoupled from its visual representation.

From a React perspective, this can be acheived via an HOC, render props, or if you’re using React > 16.8, hooks. Below is an example of two different interface implementation of a very simple toggle — the state isn’t complicated but since we created this headless interface, the UI can easily be changed/edited and does not suffer from the opinions of the library author!

The Example

class Toggle extends React.Component {
  state = {
    on: false,

  handleClick = (cb = () => {}) => evt => {
    this.setState({ on: !this.state.on }, () => cb(evt))

  render() {
    const { state, handleClick } = this
    return this.props.children({ state, handleClick })

function CheckBox() {
  return (
      {({ state, handleClick }) => {
        return (

// Just some simple styled components
// to illustrate how we can decouple the styling from the logic
const Label = styled.label``
const Input = styled.input``
const Slider = styled.span``

function PrettyToggle() {
  return (
      {({ state, handleClick }) => {
        const appliedHandleClick = handleClick(console.log)
        return (
            <Slider />
function useToggle(cb = () => {}) {
  const [on, updateClick] = React.useState(false)
  const event = React.useRef()

  React.useEffect(() => {
  }, [on])

  return {
    handleClick(evt) {
      event.current = evt

function HookPrettyToggle() {
  const { on, handleClick } = useToggle(console.log)

  return (
    <label class="switch">
      <input type="checkbox" checked={on} onChange={handleClick} />
      <span class="slider round"></span>

function HookCheckBox() {
  const { on, handleClick } = useToggle()

  return (

Blog post about: The evolution of my blog starting from 2015 - 2023