
Today I Learned

TIL about Magnesium Glycinate, a supplement that helps promotes better sleep! I’ve been having a tough time falling asleep lately, especially after a tough Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practice, or an intense workout. One of my friends recommended Magnesium Glycinate as a way to help me sleep better. Let’s see how it works… I just ordered some today 😆!



TIL about Fontsource, a free Vercel resource that provides you with information on how to easily install and self-host web fonts. They support all Google Fonts, as well as open sources ones!

Check it out


Tanstack Form

TIL: Tanner Linsley, the creator of TanStack Query, Router, and Start, just dropped TanStack Form!

True to form, it’s framework-agnostic, headless, and has zero dependencies. It also handles deeply nested objects out of the box, making it a powerful alternative to traditional form libraries.

Check it out

TIL about a growing movement on the web where people are choosing to use system fonts instead of loading custom fonts. Over the years, the default system fonts included with operating systems have become quite robust and visually appealing. If you’re concerned about performance or don’t require a fancy web font, this could be a great solution for you.

Check it out

This one’s pretty sweet and I’ve been reaching for it a lot lately at work! Rather than having multiple className conditions, you can use a data-attribute to manage your state.

This is not only a great way to keep your component clean but also allows you to target any state pertinent to your component without JavaScript! Mind you, I’m assuming you’re using something like Tailwind for your styling.

// no reliance on utility functions like `twMerge`
	Hidden when canScroll is false!

TIL about wxt! It’s like Nuxt but for web extensions.

Check it out

cool tech14.02.2025


TIL about a local first tool for image compression called sqoosh. No more sending images to random servers just to compress them! 😆.

Check it out

TIL about bolt.new, an AI-powered web agent that lets you deploy apps via Stackblitz. It’s a pretty sick way to throw up a demo of a new app to illustrate a concept.

Check it out


CSS tidbits

TIL about the following…

    /* top, left, right, button, are all set to to the same value */
    .box {
      inset: 0;
  1. The inset property is a shorthand for top, right, bottom, and left properties.
  2. Absolute elements can only be contained by other elements using Positioned layout.
  3. Positioned elements will always render on top of non-positioned ones
  4. Stacking context is the stacking order of elements that are positioned.
    • We can create a stacking context by combining a non-static position with a z-index. So position absolute and z-index will create a stacking context.
    • We can also create one by setting opacity to less than 1.
    • Check out the link above for more info.
  5. The isolation property allows you to create a stacking context. We can add this to a parent element and then we can forget about having to add a position: relative and z-index to the children. It is the lightest weight way to create a stacking context.
  6. The z-index property can be used in a flexbox the same way as it can be used with a positioned element.

TIL about the stacking context inspector. It’s a tool that allows you to inspect the stacking context of an element.

Check it out

More of a public service announcement and a reminder to myself (especially for my personal projects), to leave comments on any funky things you’re doing in code. I wasted an hour battling a bug in my blog because I didn’t leave a comment regarding a @ts-ignore directive.

Leave. Comments. Please.



Kent showed me a great way to have a stable id for my react components, between server and client renders.

Ideally, you would be reaching for useId from react but if you’re using an older version of react, like 17 or 16, then you can use auto-id from reach.tech instead.

Check it out

cool tech29.01.2025


Til about zoxide which is a faster and more robust cd alternative; it lets you navigate your filesystem faster and more reliably.

 z ~/Documents/new-blog
 z ~/Documents/rehype-code-titles

# Go back to the last directory (new-blog)
z -

# Go to the `new-blog` directory
z rehype-code-titles

# Go back to your home directory

# open a fzf menu of possible entries that begin with `re`
zi re<SPACE><TAB>

Check it out

TIL about the Standard Schema! It’s an effort to standardize the interface of TypeScript validation libraries.

To pull directly from the docs, The goal is to make it easier for ecosystem tools to accept user-defined type validators, without needing to write custom logic or adapters for each supported library.

TIL that you can edit the whole document with document.designMode = 'on'!

Toggle document.designMode

Check it out

Happiness = results - expecations-unknown

Today I learned about the with method on the Array.prototype object. This method is used to create a shallow copy of an array but with one element replaced at a given index.

const arr = [1, 2, 3]
const newArr = arr.with(0, 5)

console.log(arr) // [1, 2, 3]
console.log(newArr) // [5, 2, 3]

This is useful when you want to replace elements in an array without mutating the original array.

Check it out



So it’s even easier now to add a documentation website to your project! While looking over the Zod github repo, I saw that they were using docsify to house their documentation. It’s pretty slick and I intend to use it for my own projects… well at least the work ones 😆.

Check it out

If you’re not using a meta framework like Next.js or Remix, I’d high suggest you check out react-error-boundary.

Seriously, Taran, use this at work.

TIL about how one can use satisfies in typescript, without satisfy at all!

// taken right from Kent's blog
type OperationFn = (left: number, right: number) => number

// this is a restriction on the operations object
// but with satisfies, I leave myself room to add more operations and don't need to manage another type
const operations = {
	'+': (left, right) => left + right,
	'-': (left, right) => left - right,
	'*': (left, right) => left * right,
	'/': (left, right) => left / right,
} satisfies Record<string, OperationFn>

Check it out here