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tsx (the runtime)

Today I learned about Typescript execute (I’m using it on my website now too 😆). It’s a CLI alternative to node for running Typescript & ESM!

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TypeScript Utility - Required

TIL that there’s a TS utility type that does the opposite of Partial.

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Require Generic

Want to make it so that people need to provide some sort of generic argument if they don’t use some predefined defaults for your TS code. Check this out:

type NoInfer<T> = [T][T extends any ? 0 : never]

type QT<T> = 'first' | 'second' | T
type Yolo<T> = {
	data: QT<T>

function doSomething<T = void>(args: Yolo<NoInfer<T>>): null {
	// do something
	return null

doSomething({ data: 'first' }) // okay
doSomething({ data: 'three' }) // not okay
doSomething<'three'>({ data: 'three' }) //okay

Ambient TS files (*.d.ts)

Alright, so I’ve been writing TS for a while and was never really sure why we needed these .d.ts files… until today.

The purpose of these files is so that authors/the community can backport popular JS libraries with TS type definitions. This allows library authors the freedom to keep on writing their JS code but allows users of TS to benefit with working code and the typings they need.

These typings probably exist in something like Definitely Typed. However, at work, we’re using a mix of JS and TS (JS is for the jest setup code) and therefore we were required to have ambient TS files so that our TS test code could benefit from the typings related to our JS files.

We are using module aliasing for our TestUtils so that we can do things like import { render } from 'TestUtils'. Under the hood, the render function is just a nicely wrapped render function from react-testing-library and so the return types are the same. There was a bug where if I tried to import the RenderResult from the testing library, VS code’s TS language server would yell at me for having an undefined module. The following code highlights the fix/issue.

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39040108/import-class-in-definition-file-d-ts/51114250#51114251
declare module "TestUtils" {
  export function render(
    v: any,
    other?: { initialState?: any }
  ): import("@testing-library/react").RenderResult
// doesn't work
import { RenderResult } from "@testing-library/react"

declare module "TestUtils" {
  export function render(v: any, other?: { initialState?: any }): RenderResult

React.FC - don't bother

React.FC was more meant to help beginners get more comfortable writing React components with TS but honestly, the cons of using it (always having the ability to pass children to your component even though you might not be rendering said children) make me want to not use it.

If you’re wanting to type children, you can do:

type Props = {
	children?: React.ReactNode

Typescript Conditional Types

Turns out TS has some conditional types!

T extends U ? X : Y

If T extends U, then T is type X otherwise it is type Y.

Check it out


TypesScript Utility Type - Parameters

There’s a neat little utility type in TypeScript that lets you reach into a function and discern the types of the function arguments.

Parameters<(s: string) => void>
// [s: string]

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